About Gasbusters

GASBUSTERS, a volunteer organization of nearly 600 citizens based in Toronto, actively engages the community to raise awareness of the issues and support a transition towards a ban of gas-powered leaf blowers and encourage the use of quieter, emission free alternatives. 

Our leadership is small but our stance is based on scientific, evidence-based facts that highlight the potential harm to citizens’ health.

The concerns raised by GASBUSTERS are supported by various studies and reports. These concerns include the significant health risk from the noise produced by these machines and the high level of toxic pollutants they emit, as well as broader environmental concerns.

Why Banning Gas-Powered Leaf Blowers Matters

The gas-powered leaf blowers and other garden equipment not only disrupt the tranquility of neighbourhoods but are a potential source of multiple negative human health:

  1. The harmful sound from leaf blowers can cause auditory damage. Studies have shown that untreated hearing loss is associated with anxiety, depression, loneliness, and stress. In addition to hearing loss, chronic noise exposure has been associated with worsening of heart disease, increased blood pressure, and other adverse health effects.

  2. Leaf blowers emit toxic and carcinogenic compounds into the air that anyone nearby breathes.

  3. Leaf blowers create harmful airborne dust and debris that can linger in the air for a week or longer. 

  4. Leaf blowers’ forceful gusts of wind damage lawns, gardens and beneficial insects and animals including pollinators. 

  5. Leaf blowers’ harmful sound and pollution can cause damage to the workers who use them.

  6. Leaf blowers contaminate the air and water in our neighbourhoods - emissions, fuel spills, grass clippings clogging storm sewers and polluting local waterways.

  7. Similar to the emissions from gas-powered vehicles, leaf blower CO2 emissions add to greenhouse gases and worsen climate change. 

  8. Banning gas-powered leaf blowers and advocating for a switch to electric or battery powered alternatives will help Toronto achieve TRANSFORMTO, the climate change action plan approved unanimously by Toronto City Council.

  • Built broad public support for banning the use of gas-powered leaf blowers.  

  • Educate the public about health risks and environmental hazards associated with gas-powered leaf blowers and related garden equipment. 

  • Spoke about pollution and the social impacts from gas-powered leaf blowers at the Infrastructure & Environment Committee.

  • Spoke about the harmful noise from leaf blowers at the Noise Bylaw Review, Municipal Licensing & Standards, and the Economic & Community Development Committee.

  • Monitored and responded to City of Toronto initiatives that can help achieve our goal of banning the use of gas-powered leaf blowers and related garden equipment. 

  • Encouraged Councillors to pass a by-law banning the use of toxic two-stroke equipment including gas-powered leaf blowers.

What We’ve Done

What We Intend To Do

Toronto City Council in 2024

In July, 2023 the City Council expressed its support and adopted steps to pursue a ban in 2024 of two -stroke small engine equipment which includes gas-powered leaf blowers, but it’s not assured. Urging City Councillors to prioritize legislation banning the use of gas- powered leaf blowers can lead to positive environmental impact, fostering cleaner air and quieter neighborhoods. As people become aware of the harm to health these machines cause, Gasbusters is building an active membership to give our voices more power.

Toronto Public Health plays a crucial role in monitoring and addressing these issues. 23 years ago in 2001, Dr Sheela Basrur, Medical Officer of the Board of Health, requested City Council to prohibit gas powered leaf blowers in Toronto. We hope to persuade Dr Devilla, Chief Officer of Health at Toronto Public Health, to champion the crucial link between fossil fuel combustion and airborne pollutants. There’s evidence showing the quality of outdoor air directly affects the quality of the indoor air, including in the home. Children are particularly susceptible to harm from air pollutants. They’re much more vulnerable to the health effects. Their smaller bodies, developing brains, and respiratory systems make them more vulnerable to the health effects of poor air quality.

What You Can Do

Join Gasbusters

Help stop the damage. Join our campaign to ban gas-powered leaf blowers and related garden equipment.

We will keep you informed of the latest developments in banning gas-powered leaf blowers in Toronto and how to make your opinion heard at City Hall.

Change how you care for your lawn

Reconsider your landscaping choices. Clearing the fallen leaves with a leaf blower sweeps away prime habitat for a lot of creatures and also disrupts the habitats for critical pollinating species such as bees, butterflies and moths, as well as other critters including amphibians and small mammals like chipmunks.

When you minimize your lawn, add more garden beds and let the leaves lie where they fall, there’s a lot less need to use high-power leaf blowers, gasoline or electric.

Talk to your landscaper or property manager about changing landscaping methods

Hire lawn care services that use rakes, brooms and battery-powered lawn care equipment. If you are renting, talk to your property manager about switching from gas-powered leaf blowers to electric.

Tell your Councillor you want gas-powered leaf blowers banned

Gasbusters Organizing Committee

  • John Watt

    John Watt

    John Watt is a fourth/generation Torontonian, living with his family in Deer Park.

    John has a passion for the environment and the health and safety of our community. His inspiration is Fred Rogers, host of the children's television show ‘Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood.’ John believes, like Fred Rogers, that each one of us has something valuable to bring to their neighbourhood, something that connects them as neighbours.

    John joined Dundee Staunton, his neighbour, in starting the "Gasbusters" campaign, aimed at supporting the ban of 2-stroke gasoline-powered gardening equipment in Toronto and eliminating the damaging effects on our health and the environment.

    Recently, John received the "Outstanding Neighbour Award" and a Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee pin for his work with Gasbusters, recognized for his efforts in fighting climate change and noise pollution to make the lives of neighbours and the community better. "Won't You be My Neighbour"?

  • Dundee Staunton

    Dundee Staunton

    Dundee Staunton is a retired entrepreneur who lives in the Deer Park neighbourhood of Toronto.

    Dundee is a Director, Decision Point Research Inc., an international market research firm, Vice-Chair, The Mosaic Institute, a charity which equips communities with tools to dismantle prejudice, and Chapter Chair, Innovators Alliance, a not-for-profit organization that assists CEOs of Ontario-based companies to integrate innovation into their strategic plans.

    An advocate of action to improve our environment and living conditions, in 2020 he co-founded Gasbusters with friend and neighbour John Watt to rally residents to work towards a ban of gas-powered leaf blowers because of their noise-producing and polluting properties.  

  • Harold Smith, B. Arch, MBA, LEED AP

    Harold Smith is a retired architect with a strong interest in ecological sustainability.

    He passionately advocates for a quieter and more sustainable Toronto and the preservation and protection of Ontario’s natural spaces including the Greenbelt.

    Harold is a director of the Lytton Park Residents Organization, past Co-President of the North American Native Plant Society, Life Member of the Bruce Trail Conservancy and member of the Field Botanists of Ontario.

    Harold is also deeply committed to a number of other activist organizations including the Toronto Noise Coalition, Cycle Toronto and SCAN,

    He enjoys native plant gardening, protecting pollinators, hiking, and playing violin.

  • Gail Bebee

    Gail Bebee

    Gail Bebee believes in volunteering to help make her community a great place to live. 

    She has served as President of the Bayview Village Association, her local residents’ association, and is currently a member of the Environment Committee.

    Gail is an avid gardener. She has served as President of the North York Garden Club, a volunteer organization that promotes the love of gardening. She is a member of Toronto Master Gardeners and enjoys volunteering her time to provide advice to home gardeners in the Toronto area.

    Gail’s science and engineering background - B.Sc. (Honours Biology), M.Eng. (Environmental Engineering), Certified Industrial Hygienist – provides a strong foundation for critically assessing the environment, health, and safety implications of gas-powered lawn care equipment. She is volunteering with Gasbusters because she believes that stopping the harm caused by gas powered leaf blowers and other garden equipment will significantly improve the health of our local environment including the plants, animals and people who live here.

  • Chris Keating

    Chris Keating

    Chris Keating was the founder of Keating Educational Tours and Breakaway Ski Tours.

    With his son, he is the owner of Hôtel du Vieux-Quebec, Quebec City. The hotel has been awarded 5/5 Green Keys from the Hotel Association of Canada’s environmental Green Key Leaf Eco-Rating Program each year since 2009.

    He has held various positions on the board of the Deer Park Residents Group. He is Chair of the Noise and Pollution Action Committee, and the Heritage Committee, working with Heritage Preservation Services to save Toronto’s historical homes.

    In 2019 he heard Monty McDonald speak on CBC’s Sunday Edition about the dangers of leaf blowers and immediately wanted to become involved in banning them. He brought together Monty McDonald, Harold Smith and Gail Bebee with Gasbuster’s John Watt and Dundee Staunton. Together we are spreading the word.

  • Monty McDonald

    Monty McDonald P. Eng, MBA (retired)

    Monty , retired Chemical Engineer, lives in Bayview Village. He had extensive experience in the Petrochemical Industry when many chemicals used and produced were carcinogens. This necessitated complete and costly reengineering of manufacturing and distribution operations to ensure plant workers and the public were not exposed to them. This influenced his role as Chair of The Bayview Village Environment Committee, partnering with Canadian Tire to encourage residents to exchange highly polluting Two Cycle lawn and garden equipment for clean running alternatives. He also teamed up with early Gasbusters in 2019 to encourage Councillor Shelley Carroll to present her first Member’s Motion to ban gas-powered leaf blowers in Toronto..

    Monty founded a not-for-profit company of volunteers (Vimy Oaks Legacy) repatriating descendant trees from acorns gathered in WW1 at Vimy Ridge by a Canadian soldier and planted on his Scarborough farm. In 2018 one hundred and twenty trees were planted back on the Vimy Battlefield in a Centennial Park beside the Canadian Memorial.

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